
Source : Photo by Arnold Francisca on Unsplash

Web Developer Guide 2022

Published On : June 11th , 2022

Author : Ojas Verma

It's 2022 already , and we all have recognised the importance of technology in services like education , social media, online shopping and several more . These services are available to us on platforms like Android (or iOS) or Internet (or the Web).
Web Development is an interesting field concerned with developing programmes like Websites and Web Applications using modern day technologies . These Websites can have various use cases like business websites , a web portfolio or may be just a content delivering site (like a blog or article).

Why to become a Web Developer ?

Web Developer is indeed one of the most fascinating and demanding skill set in the industry. For an instance , Today anyone having a business (may be a small shop or a big managed firm), feels the need of a platform where they can directly conect to their customers and this is where web developers come into scene.
Being a Web Developer, you need to have a good understanding of User Interactions and Web programming. This also allows you to make your own site and reach to your projected audience (and may be you can start your own business as well !)
Now comes to the most fascinating aspect of this field , the pay scale of a Web Developer . So , if you are planning to begin you career in Web Development, you will be amazed to know that the average salary of an entry level Web Developer begins from $71,574 per annum in USA (Source : ) and this figure may vary according to years of experience and the place of Work.

Things you must know for becoming a Web Developer.
Now let us begin our discussion on the list of skills that you must acquire for becomming a successful web developer.

1. HTML , CSS & JavaScript

Without doubt these languages make the backbone of any website . HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language is a framework language which defines the type of element present in your Website. Coming to CSS or Casacading Style Sheets , It is a styling language which beautifies the HTML elements and makes any website Attractive and Appealing. Next , JavaScript is considered as the logical part of any website. It involves calculations , functions , API's , server and Backend .
Hence in a nutshell, to begin with Web Development these three languages are a must.

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2. Git and GitHub
While developing any web-based project , you tend to keep a record of your source code and even may want to regulate the versions of your project . Git and GitHub simplifies this task for you, all you need is just a GitHub Account and you are good to go .
This even allows you to share your code with other professionals in a better way (For example , You may submit your GitHub Repository as a proof of your projects in your resume). Git enables code management and provides security to your development. And the cherry on the cake is , it is free and open source.
Even you can host your web development projects on GitHub Pages.

3. Django and Flask
The two of the above web frame works are written on python programming language and built keeping in mind simplicity and performance as priority. Though both, Django and Flask can be utilised fro web development , but still there are some minor differences. Where Django is more powerful and is preffered for developing multipage application with complex models and data rendering , Flask is oftenly chosen for light projects (like single page applications) . The web admin console panel of django gives it's users an extra edge in productivity rather than Flask. Django's rich documentation allows you to get solution whenever stuck.
Tip : If you are a python developer and wants to change your stream to web , You must start working with these frameworks.

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4. Node.js
One of the most popular javascript environment among web developers. Node.js is a powerful framework for creating apps which require continuous and real time data processing . It ensures code reusability , means you need not memorize and write the same piece of code again and again. This JavaScript framework even helps you with SEO and saves time during hosting.
Once you know how to use it, new possibilities open for you like Next.js , etc.

5. CDN ~ Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS
Imagine a scenerio where you are having a complex web project in your hand , and you need to focus more upon the logic and analytics (what we call as Backend) , would it be a wise decision to write the HTML code from the very start ? Absolutely not. CDN or Content Delivery Networks comes into play here. They are having the pre-defined code for your use cases. So all you need is to just integrate these services into your development and get done with basic HTML and CSS.
You must be familiar with Bootstrap , which is also a type of CDN system which simplifies your frontend development. One more platform like this is Tailwind CSS.

Photo by Domenico Loia on Unsplash

Web Development is a time taking skill , you master it when you practice it more and more . And being a Web Developer , you must adapt yourself according to new upcoming web technologies and enhance your skill quotient.
I hope the above pointers must have helped you knowing something new regarding the field of Web Development.

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