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Importance Of Small Steps In Life

Published On : March 26th , 2023

Author : Himanshu Swami

We humans often underestimate the power of small decisions and small steps in our life. But the reality is small decisions lead to bigger changes in life but is only visible in the long run. So we must understand the importance of these small steps which can ultimately lead you towards your goal. This topic can be better understood with the help of some stories, so we are having 2 nice stories to illustrate this entire thing.

How these small steps are working?
One day God decided to bestow his mercy upon his two devotees, Ramesh and Suresh. Both of them were given two choices either they can have 3 million dollars, all at once (right now) or they can have a single penny which will keep on doubling for 31 days. Ramesh decided to go for the 3 million dollars and Suresh said that I will get that doubling penny (What would you do if were given such choice?). Ramesh laughed at Suresh and said that what a wrong choice he has made and was confident enough to said that my decision is the right one. But Suresh was quite and he was patient enough to wait for 31 days. On the 1st day the penny was 0.02 dollars, in similar manner it was 0.32 dollars on the 5th day, Ramesh laughed at Suresh about his wrong choice and said what the value of 32 penny is in front of 3 million dollars? But Suresh was quite. Days went by, on the 10th day the amount was 10.24 dollars standing nowhere against 3 million dollars, then on the 20th day it was 20971.52 dollars far less than 3 million but Suresh was determined and confident on his decision. On the 26th day the amount was 671,088.64 dollars, now the game became interesting, on the 27th Day it was 1342177.28 dollars, on 28th Day it was 2684354.56 dollars, on 29th day he had 5368709.12 dollars and overcame Ramesh, on 30th day it was 10 million dollars and on the 31st day he had about 20 million dollars.

(The Proper Calculation is show below, so you can get better understanding of this)
Day: 1 Your amount is now: 0.02 $
Day: 2 Your amount is now: 0.04 $
Day: 5 Your amount is now: 0.32 $
Day: 10 Your amount is now: 10.24 $
Day: 20 Your amount is now: 10485.76 $
Day: 26 Your amount is now: 671088.64 $
Day: 29 Your amount is now: 5368709.12 $
Day: 30 Your amount is now: 10737418.24 $
Day: 31 Your amount is now: 21474836.48 $

The above story is a very interesting illustration for the demonstration of small steps but major changes. So, here is your first lesson from this entire story at once:

“Your small-small steps towards right direction will end you up to the bigger goals you had.”

Small Steps Toward Right Direction Can Set Milestones:
Now let’s understand this point with the help another interesting story of 3 friends: There were 3 friends Ram, Shyam and Shiv. These 3 had been there in same school, were of same ages, went to same college and after their graduation went to the same firm, all 3 working as an employee. The 3 of these were happier with their professional and family life. Know came a twist in story, 2 of them Ram and Shyam decided to make a small change in their life and Shiv remained the same. Ram started going for mind management session near his house and also understood the value of a healthy body, hence he reduced his calorie consumption by 120 calories every day and started to exercise whereas Shyam did the exact opposite he started cooking some delicious cakes at weekends and started consuming 120 calories more than daily. Now see they changes they decided were totally insignificant if you see on the very day. If you find the six months later they all are still same as six months ago, after 1 year the difference started coming up. Ram’s body started gaining a proper shape, he was excelling in his Job with constant appreciation of boss and got promoted also, with the help of his mind management skill he knew how to manage both family and office temperament properly, For Shyam it was exactly opposite, his body started getting out of shape, due to such a physique, he turned lethargic and he started hating his job. His report was not good in the office and boss was threatening him that his job is in danger, being fed by that every day he came exhausted and sad, to forget all that he started watching thrillers on TV because he never heard anything called as mind management but we must realize that avoid the presence of problem doesn’t help you fight that. For Shiv it was all the same, sometimes he felt so much bored with life and after all it was all same for him.
In this way, you can later predict one your own, the direction of these 3 friends in the future course of their life.

So, we hope that you must realize the importance of small steps or small decision in life which can set milestones in your life.

“Your Small Decision will not give out you result immediately but with consistently applying yourself in the right direction, you will get to the desired place.”

Q: How do I decide that the decision I have made is right or wrong?
Ans: Keep this thing in mind always, your decisions are a mixed outcome of your knowledge and outlook towards your life. So if you try to gain right knowledge and focus on the positive direction of life, your conscience will effortlessly determine if the decision or step you are taking is good for you or just vice-versa.

Conclusion: Here we have understood by setting up small steps in right direction you can lead your life to reach your deserving place of this universe and also unlock true potential within you.

Photo by DS stories

“I don’t believe in taking right decision, I take decisions and make them right” -- Sir Ratan Tata

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